About - Luke Holden

Luke Holden

Researcher in Astrophysics

Before starting my undergraduate degree at the University of Sheffield in 2015, I was already a keen amateur astronomer and astrophotographer. During my degree, I undertook two summer research projects, the first of which was funded by a successful application to the university's SURE scheme. The work that I carried out during these research projects was later published as a paper in MNRAS.

From 2018-2019, I took part in the Isaac Newton Group's (ING) studentship program, becoming a telescope operator for the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. During this year, I also undertook two research projects, namely helping to commission the ING's new `R2D2' DIMM and investigating the evolution of light pollution at the observatory. Slides for the seminars that I gave to the ING and other telescope groups about this work can be found here (R2D2) and here (light pollution).

Upon completion of my master's degree at the University of Sheffield, I received the Tom Kaiser award for the `best appreciation of the subject of astronomy'. In October 2020, I began my PhD at Sheffield under the supervision of Professor Clive Tadhunter, which I completed in April 2024 - you can read about my research here.

In addition to my research and academic work, I enjoy public outreach, which I believe is important for disseminating scientific knowledge to the general public. To this end, I have assisted at local astronomy outreach events and given several talks to school and college-level students.

A picture of me at the Radiotelescoop Dwingeloo.
At the Radiotelescoop Dwingeloo during a trip to ASTRON, Netherlands, in November 2022.