Dr. Luke Holden

Researcher in Astrophysics

NEWS - My first postdoc at Hertfordshire

Luke Holden - 2nd Sept 2024

Today, I begin my new role as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Astrophysics Research at the University of Hertfordshire, working with Daniel Smith and his team on the WEAVE-LOFAR survey.

I'm really excited to be joining such a great group (and one that is much larger than my previous institution; I'm starting alongside 10+ new staff members!) and to bring my expertise to a project that will shape the future of my research field. On a personal note, I've been invested in the progress of WEAVE ever since I worked on La Palma and had friends and collegues who were playing major roles in building the spectrograph. So, on top of all the other excellent aspects of this position, I'm thrilled to have the chance to perform some of the first scientific analysis of WEAVE survey data. Thanks again to Dan and the group at Herts for choosing me to join the team - I'm incredibly grateful!

Me with the WEAVE spectrograph during a visit to the Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain in May 2024.